About Jessica Lyn

At age 3, Jessica Lyn would play her Blue Box Yellow Elephant piano and pick out melodies she knew. When she needed more than the eight keys, she would play in the air next to her, looking up at her parents with exasperation. She began formal lessons two years later. At age 13, Jessica was tested to have both relative and perfect pitches, which greatly contributes to her ability to play by ear. But on the flip side, she was unable to develop good sight reading skills. Because her dream was to be a cruise liner pianist, Jessica doubled down in sight reading practice and competitions, which she failed miserably. She finally decided to concentrate on strengthening her true gift, even if it meant her dream would never happen. She stopped formal lessons at age 20 and began playing for local nightlife, weddings, and other events. However, she was going through an emotionally trying time, which led her to make some poor career choices. She did not pursue a college education, and she had little guidance concerning what might be available to her with her unique musical gifts. She nearly gave up playing altogether. Jessica married in 2011, and her husband encouraged her to continue playing even if it meant no one ever listened. But people did listen. Wedding reviews were spreading. At shows, people were throwing her $20-and $50-dollar bills in pots of hundreds. She consistently played at church. She even performed a live mood music soundtrack to a theater production. No one ever heard anything quite like her music before. For a long time, Jessica’s insecurities concerning not having a music degree and not being able to sightread held her back, and it’s still a struggle to fight those thoughts today. But she is out to change the perception of herself and of the piano world at large. A prestigious diploma or dazzling past might not be able to testify, but her playing can speak for itself: a soulful, passionate expression. Jessica’s new dream is to bless others with the world she hears.

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Jessica Lyn Music

Partnering with Price Attractions Entertainment Agency – 1000 South Denver Ave – Tulsa OK 74119 – (310)-254-7149

© copyright 2023 Jessica Lyn Music